︎︎︎My design practice

︎︎︎My vision

Naturally curious, my approach to design is multidisciplinary. Initially, I was drawn to graphic design and communication. However, as I delved deeper into my practice, I discovered my true passion lay in integrating aspects such as user experience, human psychology, ecology, and social sciences into my projects.

My uniqueness lies in my ability to forge connections between seemingly disparate elements. I have a knack for grasping the whole picture, where others may only see fragmented parts.

I tend to incorporate concepts like graphic system design, data materialization, playful user kits, and sensory experiences into my projects.

Today, I find equal joy in graphic design, three-dimensional design, and scenography. My design approach is humanistic, as I prioritize the sensory and emotional aspects of user experience.

I see design as a powerful tool that influences emotions and behaviors, aiding comprehension and learning. My aim is to enhance daily life by offering experiences that are both playful, sensory-rich, and educational, all while staying true to the values of sustainable development.

︎︎︎Professional Experience


Signage Manager ( 1 week)
Festival "Les Nuits de Champagne" - Troyes, France


Graphic designer on a work-study contract (11 months)
Festilight - Troyes, France


Graphic Designer / UX UI Internship (4 months)
Sinfin Digital Agency - Troyes, France


Assistant Designer-Manager Internship (2 months)
KissKissBankBank - Paris, France


2020 - 2021

Master's Degree in Project Design
École Supérieure de Design de Troyes, France
Ewha Womans University, South Korea (5 months)

2017 - 2020

Bachelor's degree in Project Design
École Supérieure de Design de Troyes, France

2014 - 2017

Baccalaureate in Literature (with honours)
Lycée Joliot-Curie, Romilly-sur-Seine, France