Bachelor project

In France, an average person throws away 30 kg of food per year.

TIME ING (for "time" and "ingredient") has been designed to help you reduce this food waste.
It works in a very simple and fun way: TIME ING allows you to remember to consume a food item until it expires and thus not to waste it.

This follow-up is materialised by a single small daily gesture that is very simple and that everyone can do, press a button. By pressing the button each day, the mechanism releases a ball that slips into the transparent tube. Thus, the balls are stacked one on top of the other along th along a scale. Through the repetition of the gesture, colours and symbols that stimulate the imagination and encourage memorization, TIME ING acts as a reminder and a monitoring tool to reduce waste.

It offers the possibility of being accessible to all, because the language of time, shapes and colours is universal.

TIME ING is actually a concept that introduces the user to waste reduction. It gently encourages reflection on our consumption patterns, using a form of poetry and lightness.


How to use Time Ing ?

1. Choose the food or dish to be monitored (preferably on the the same day of preparation or opening).

2. Turn the color wheel until you get a color that reminds you of the food.

3. Turn the symbol wheel until you get a symbol that reminds you of the shape or texture of the food.

The association between the color and the symbol will make it easy to remember.

Example :

4. Next, determine the maximum number of days left to consume the food (according to the expiry date, the shelf life days left after opening or preparation), and place the cursor on the number of days remaining.

5. Once a day, while in the kitchen simply press the button to slide a ball into the tube. The marbles will pile up as you go along, and you will be able to see how much time is left to eat your food by looking at your cursor.

6. When you have eaten the food, take the tube from the top to pour the beads into the hole on the left. Put the tube back in its slot and TIME ING is ready to go again!

Example of associations

3D rendering

Development phase
How to create a visual tool that can be associated with any type of food ?
The idea was to first identify which type of food was wasted in majority. Then I had to find a simple way to categorise these foods. I came to the conclusion that the simplest way was through their colours and shapes. Each food has a main colour that represents it, a shape or a texture that you can picture in your mind. For example: Round and red for a tomato. Waves for anything liquid. A saucepan for cooked dishes.

That's why I chose that food would be represented by 2 things : a colour and a shape. A wide spectrum of colours and 11 more or less organic cheeses, which can be associated with all the foods we eat.


Nella Gibus


Bachelor project

In France, an average person throws away 30 kg of food per year.

TIME ING (for "time" and "ingredient") has been designed to help you reduce this food waste.
It works in a very simple and fun way: TIME ING allows you to remember to consume a food item until it expires and thus not to waste it.

This follow-up is materialised by a single small daily gesture that is very simple and that everyone can do, press a button. By pressing the button each day, the mechanism releases a ball that slips into the transparent tube. Thus, the balls are stacked one on top of the other along th along a scale. Through the repetition of the gesture, colours and symbols that stimulate the imagination and encourage memorization, TIME ING acts as a reminder and a monitoring tool to reduce waste.

It offers the possibility of being accessible to all, because the language of time, shapes and colours is universal.

TIME ING is actually a concept that introduces the user to waste reduction. It gently encourages reflection on our consumption patterns, using a form of poetry and lightness.


How to use Time Ing ?

1. Choose the food or dish to be monitored (preferably on the the same day of preparation or opening).

2. Turn the color wheel until you get a color that reminds you of the food.

3. Turn the symbol wheel until you get a symbol that reminds you of the shape or texture of the food.

The association between the color and the symbol will make it easy to remember.

Example :

4. Next, determine the maximum number of days left to consume the food (according to the expiry date, the shelf life days left after opening or preparation), and place the cursor on the number of days remaining.

5. Once a day, while in the kitchen simply press the button to slide a ball into the tube. The marbles will pile up as you go along, and you will be able to see how much time is left to eat your food by looking at your cursor.

6. When you have eaten the food, take the tube from the top to pour the beads into the hole on the left. Put the tube back in its slot and TIME ING is ready to go again!

Example of associations

3D rendering

Development phase
How to create a visual tool that can be associated with any type of food ?
The idea was to first identify which type of food was wasted in majority. Then I had to find a simple way to categorise these foods. I came to the conclusion that the simplest way was through their colours and shapes. Each food has a main colour that represents it, a shape or a texture that you can picture in your mind. For example: Round and red for a tomato. Waves for anything liquid. A saucepan for cooked dishes.

That's why I chose that food would be represented by 2 things : a colour and a shape. A wide spectrum of colours and 11 more or less organic shapes, which can be associated with all the foods we eat.
